Letizia Passantino
Associate Professor
University of Bari Aldo Moro
Letizia Passantino is graduated in Biology, PhD in Morphology of Aquatic Species; she works as Associate Professor in Veterinary Anatomy in the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Her fields of interest are focused on teleost fishes: morpho-functional and immunological aspects of the limphoreticular tissues, as head kidney, spleen, liver and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, and immune response by macrophage and "non-immune" cells such as nucleated erythrocytes and platelets. Furthermore, she described important aspects regarding melanomacrophage centres: their origin, the possible role and relationships they may have with macrophages and / or other cells, confirming the hypothesis that they can act as metabolic dumps. Her morphological, functional and immunological evaluations can represent a useful tool for diagnosis and therapies in fish farming.
Research Interest
Fish morphology; fish immunology