Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
2nd International Conference on Aquaculture and Fisheries, will be organized around the theme “Uncovering Innovative Technologies for Better Outcomes in Aquaculture and Fisheries”
AQUACULTURE & FISHERIES 2023 is comprised of 28 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in AQUACULTURE & FISHERIES 2023.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
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Aquaculture (less commonly spelled aquiculture), also known as aquafarming, is the controlled cultivation ("farming") of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, mollusks, algae and other organisms of value such as aquatic plants (e.g. lotus). Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater, brackish water and saltwater populations under controlled or semi-natural conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the harvesting of wild fish. Mariculture, commonly known as marine farming, refers specifically to aquaculture practiced in seawater habitats and lagoons, opposed to in freshwater aquaculture. Pisciculture is a type of aquaculture that consists of fish farming to obtain fish products as food.
In semi-intensive and intensive aquaculture, nutrition plays a very important role in this production system's sustainable development. Currently, the main objective of aquaculture nutrition is to ensure balanced food portions which neither include nor considerably diminish the use of fishmeal and marine oils.
Water pollution (or aquatic pollution) is the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human activities, so that it negatively affects its uses. 6  Water bodies include lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers, reservoirs and groundwater. Water pollution results when contaminants are introduced into these water bodies. Water pollution can be attributed to one of four sources: sewage discharges, industrial activities, agricultural activities, and urban runoff including storm water. It can be grouped into surface water pollution (either fresh water pollution or marine pollution) or groundwater pollution. For example, releasing inadequately treated wastewater into natural waters can lead to degradation of these aquatic ecosystems. Water pollution can also lead to water-borne diseases for people using polluted water for drinking, bathing, washing or irrigation. Water pollution reduces the ability of the body of water to provide the ecosystem services (such as drinking water) that it would otherwise provide.
Like humans and other organisms, fish suffer from parasitic infestation and diseases. The defensive mechanisms can be specific and non-specific. Non-specific mechanisms consist of skin and scales, and additionally the mucus layer secreted by the epidermis that traps microorganisms and restrains their growth. On the off chance that pathogens break these defenses, fish can create inflammatory responses that enhance the flow of blood to infected territories and deliver WBCs that attempt to kill the pathogens. Specific defenses are specific reactions to specific pathogens perceived by the fish's body that are adaptive immune reactions.
Aquaponics is a food production system that couples aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as fish, crayfish, snails or prawns in tanks) with the hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) whereby the nutrient-rich aquaculture water is fed to hydroponically grown plants.
As existing hydroponic and aquaculture farming techniques form the basis of all aquaponic systems, the size, complexity, and types of foods grown in an aquaponic system can vary as much as any system found in either distinct farming discipline.
As the aquaculture industry continues to grow, more considerations throughout the production cycle of farmed seafood arise. Animal health and welfare is a vital component of aquaculture, and is greatly impacted by environmental conditions and the basics of aquaculture.
Throughout history, producers have learned about animal husbandry through direct observation, as with cows and pigs, etc. However, as aquatic animals live underwater, direct observation has not been possible until recently. New technology has allowed producers to get a better look into their animals’ wellbeing, and in turn, take better care of them. These are sentient animals, there is a responsibility on the farmer to practice good husbandry and to keep the welfare of the animals in mind. Because we are farming them and responsible for their whole life cycle, we have a responsibility there. We count animal welfare as critical to delivering responsibly produced, modern products.
Impacts of aquaculture on the environment are increasing. The main influence of aquaculture on water quality is to increase the suspended substances and the nutritional salts in water. It is an important issue as aquaculture expands globally. In South East Asia shellfish are produced heavily and poorly managed. Farmed fish are generally free from environmental contaminants such as heavy metals. Environmental impacts of aquaculture are dependent upon the species farmed.
Genetic biodiversity helps produce the variety of shapes, sizes, behavior, and colours that make aquatic species valuable and interesting. It also allows species to adapt to new farming systems new habitats. Without genetic biodiversity there would be no special varieties or breeds of aquatic species eventually species would go extinct as they would be unable to cope with climate change add other changes to their environment.
For the purpose of sustainable development of aquaculture and fisheries, biotechnology proves to be a very effective tool. The combination of genetic alteration and biotechnology to expand the production of aquatic species, embraces incredible potential to take care of demand as well as to ameliorate aquaculture. Researchers are exploring genes that might enhance the generation of natural fish growth factors and additionally, the natural defense compounds marine living beings utilize to battle microbial contaminations.
The infectious disease poses one of the most significant threats to successful aquaculture. Negative environmental effects may occur serious oxygen shortage caused by disintegrating natural substances. There will be no treatment for viral diseases. Most of the fish diseases are restricted to fish and poses no risk to handlers. It’s essential to report any infections or diseases to fish as quickly as time permits. This leads to early administration and regulation of pathogens for the regular environment.
Aquatic Microbiology is dedicated to the advancement of microbial research in aqueous environments, with an emphasis on freshwater, estuarine, and oceanic ecosystems. Aquatic microbes have a variety of roles in ecosystems and are essential to the biogeochemical cycles on the planet. Aquatic microorganisms are also genetically, physiologically, and environmentally varied, with a wide range of evolutionary, adaptive, and physiological responses. Organisms' immune systems defend them against parasites, pathogens, and viruses. The majority of what we know about the composition, function, and regulation of the two basic branches of the immune system, innate immunity and adaptive immunity, comes from mouse and human studies. However, there has recently been a surge in interest in fish immunology for a variety of reasons. Fish immune systems serve as useful comparative outgroups for evolutionary biologists studying immune system evolution. Such comparisons should eventually lead to a better understanding of immune system design principles in general production.
Innovation Trends – Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) and Seaweed RAS facilities address several environmental challenges by fully separating farmed fish from the larger ecosystem, eliminating environmental degradation and threats to wild stock. The highly controlled atmosphere of RAS allows for close monitoring and treatment of health issues as well as higher stock densities. Additionally, RAS facilities introduce location flexibility to the aquaculture industry, a key sustainability factor. RAS facilities can provide fresh seafood to regions with limited or no natural access, improving food security and reducing transport-related carbon emissions. RAS innovators are developing AI and software solutions for the optimization and automation of RAS managementturnkey systems design (AquaMaof, Israel), and fully integrated genetics, breeding, and cultivation of high-value species (The Kingfish Company, Netherlands). Looking forward we expect to see innovators addressing the energy-intensity of current RAS facilities, efficient water use, adaptation of facilities to suit new species, as well as multitrophic systems.
Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, or IMTA, is similar to polyculture, where two or more organisms are farmed together. In IMTA, multiple aquatic species from different trophic levels are farmed in an integrated fashion to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and provide ecosystem services, such as bio-remediation.
Aquaculture engineering is engineering of the facilities, equipment, processes, and systems needed to grow and harvest aquatic animals and plants for commercial purposes. There are few formal education programs around the world devoted specifically to aquacultural engineering. People practicing in this field typically have degrees in aquaculture, the biological sciences, or traditional engineering disciplines, such as agricultural engineering or environmental engineering.
Aquatic physiology studies the morphology and function of the various parts of the organisms inhabiting the aquatic ecosystem. The effect of environmental stress conditions on the aquatic inhabitants can be studied with the help of structural and physiological information obtained from this field of study.
Growing concern over the environmental impact of aquaculture, in any case, has incited an analysis for an administration structure that can ensure supportability – that is, a fiscally reasonable aquaculture industry in which the ecological harm is limited. Sustainable aquaculture is a dynamic idea and the supportability of an aquaculture framework will fluctuate with species, area, societal standards and the state of information and innovation.
Various materials, including nylon, polyester, polypropylene(PP), polyethylene(PE), polyamide(PA), plastic-coated welded wire, rubber, patented rope products, galvanized steel and copper are used for netting in aquaculture fish enclosures around the world. The material strength of net panels made with PA, PP and PE gets reduced when exposed to sunlight (UV), wind, rain, acid rain, etc. Materials being soft can also be damaged by crabs and fish with strong dentations resulting in fish escape from the cage. By inhibiting microbial growth, copper alloy aquaculture cages avoid biofouling costly net changes that are necessary with other materials.
Developing and implementing policies that enable marine aquaculture and works to ensure that aquaculture complies with existing federal laws and regulations are a very essential step in the field of aquaculture. Such policies and regulations ensure environmental protection, water quality, food safety,increase efficiency, transparency, and predictability in making permit decisions and protection of public health.
- Endangered Species Act (1973)
- Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972)
- National Marine Sanctuary Act (1972)
- Coastal Zone Management Act (1972)
- National Environmental Policy Act (1969)
- Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (1934)
- Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (1976)
Fisheries Science is a department of marine science that offers with studies on the existence history and state of fish stocks. The term ‘existence history’ refers to the widely wide-spread biology of a fish stock. The time period ‘state of a fish stock’ refers to the range and weight of fish in the stock i.e. current stock biomass in tonnes.
Marine topography or geographical oceanography is that the study of the history and arrangement of the ocean floor. It contains geophysical, geochemical, silt legitimate and paleontological examinations of the ocean depths and waterfront zone. Marine geography has solid connections to physical oceanography.
Marine topographical investigations were of utmost impact in giving the essential proof to marine bottom distribution and tectonics within the years following war II. The profound marine floor is that the last basically strange boondocks and nitty gritty mapping in help of both military targets and monetary endpoints drives the exploration i.e. in Petroleum Field.
The physical, organic and social properties of our coastline and marine condition undermined by new an strange weather change framework carried many issues. In earthly domain GIS has been usually utilized and attached to help accuracy administration of agribusiness, ranger service, urban arranging, business, and National Guard . there's presently similarly solid concern for exactness administration of beach front and marine assets. the event of protected marine range which needs researchers and superiors to belongings utilization having region time approach. So spatial and worldly approach required. It requires having balance between ideal utilization of assets and organic protection. Marine GIS has wide-ranging kind of uses and should be classified as seaside, oceanographic, and fisheries. Oceanography depictsmapping and estimation of great seas and fisheries worry with administration procedure of fisheries.
Marine contamination occurs when harsh, or possibly hazardous, impacts result from the section into the ocean of chemicals, particles, mechanical, rural and private waste, clamor, or the spread of obtrusive life forms. Supplement contamination, a kind of water contamination, refers to ruining by over the highest contributions of supplements. It’s an important driver of eutrophication of surface waters, during which abundance supplements, typically nitrogen or phosphorus, animate green growth development. Numerous possibly lethal chemicals adhere to modest particles which are then haunted by microscopic fish and benthos creatures, the overwhelming majority of which are either store or channel feeders. Alongside these lines, the poisons are concentrated upward inside sea evolved ways of life. Numerous particles join artificially during a way exceedingly depletive of oxygen, making estuaries find you plainly anoxic.
Hazardous metals can similarly be carried into marine nourishment networks. These can make a modification tissue matter, organic chemistry, conduct, propagation, and stifle development in marine life. Similarly, several creatures sustain have a high fish supper or fish hydro lysate content. Along with these lines, marine poisons can be exchanged to arrive creatures, and seem later in meat and dairy items.
Marine building is the sequence of applying designing sciences, and can include mechanical designing, electrical designing, electronic building, and software engineering, to the development, outline, operation and upkeep of watercraft impetus and additionally on-board frameworks and oceanographic innovation, not restricted to simply power and drive plants, apparatus, channeling, robotization and control frameworks and so on for marine vehicles of any sort like surface boats, submarines and so on. Marine life Science Conferences points is to total the prominent professionals, academicians and researchers from the field of Marine Oceanography, Marine sciences, Marine science and particular related regions to make a stage for solid trade of the current advancement and improvements towards marine oceanography.
Marine invention incorporates safe utilize, abuse, security of, and intercession in, the marine situation. The fields involved marine innovation are the accompanying the maritime design, marine building, dispatch configuration, transport building and ship processes; oil and gas exploration, misuse, and creation; hydrodynamics, route, oceanic surface saltiness and sub-surface help, submerged invention and building; marine resources (counting both inexhaustible and non-sustainable marine assets). Sea bioscience Conferences points is to total the famous analysts, academicians and researchers from the sector of Marine Oceanography, Marine sciences, Marine science and particular related zones to form a stage for solid trade of the present progression and advances towards marine oceanography.
Oceanography also known as oceanology and ocean science, is the scientific study of the oceans. It is an important Earth science, which covers a wide range of topics, including ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents, waves, and geophysical fluid dynamics; plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor; and fluxes of various chemical substances and physical properties within the ocean and across its boundaries. These diverse topics reflect multiple disciplines that oceanographers utilize to glean further knowledge of the world ocean, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, climatology, geography, geology, hydrology, meteorology and physics. Paleoceanography studies the history of the oceans in the geologic past. An oceanographer is a person who studies many matters concerned with oceans, including marine geology, physics, chemistry and biology.
A fish hatchery is an area for artificial breeding, hatching and raising through the early life phases of animals, finfish and shellfish in particular. A few fish species that are usually brought up in hatcheries consists of Pacific oysters, shrimp, Indian prawns, salmon, tilapia and scallops. Hatcheries deliver larval and juvenile fish (and shellfish and crustaceans) principally to aid the aquaculture business where they are exchanged to on-growing systems i.e. fish farms to achieve reap estimate.
Fish stocking is the act of rearing fish in hatcheries and discharging them into a waterway, lake, or the sea to make new or supplement existing populaces of threatened or endangered fishes in a waterway shut to angling. Fish stocking can give many advantages, for example, making new fisheries or expanding existing ones and is perceived for its significance to the group regarding quality business, recreational, or tribal angling, conservation purposes, employment and ensuing monetary advantages that have developed in light of the action over numerous years. Protection and conservation of our unique biodiversity should be ensured while fish stocking.
Another noted aquaculture practice is the oyster cultivation where oysters are reared mainly for human consumption. Oyster farming began as early as 1st century BC on the Italian peninsula by the ancient Romans and later developed in Britain too for the purpose of export to Rome. Aquacultured oysters were the main source of oysters for the French oyster industry since the late 18th century. Oysters normally develop in estuarine bodies of salty water. They generally reach market size within 18 months to 2 years
Algaculture is the commercial harvesting of algae. It is a type of aquaculture. A major portion of the algae that are deliberately developed fall into the classification of microalgae, additionally alluded to as phytoplankton, microphysics, or planktonic green growth. Macroalgae, normally known as kelp, additionally have numerous uses, however because of their size and the particular environmental requirements in which they have to develop, they don't lend themselves as promptly to development on an extensive scale as microalgae and are frequently harvested wild from the sea.
Shrimp farming is the practice of harvesting shrimp or prawns for human utilization. This can be carried out in marine or freshwater systems. It is an aquaculture business that started in the 1970s, and production developed steeply, especially to coordinate the market requests of the United States, Japan, and Western Europe. Shrimp cultivating has made considerable progress and has changed into a worldwide industry, from the little scale cultivates in Asia and Thailand. There are just a couple of types of shrimp that are cultivated internationally. A standout amongst the most well-known species is the Macrobrachium rosenbergii, the Giant Malaysian Prawn, which is a freshwater prawn, local of South Asia.