Mohammad Tabish is a conscientious Blue Ocean Brain with an ambitious vision for the Blue society, down an exciting, enriching and celebrated timeline for two decades in the Gulf. His Doctoral research was focused upon the ecological indicators of sea cage farming. His early debut was with the first commercial finfish GIAC hatchery project in Kuwait, followed by large scale sea cage production and sea cage monitoring solutions with Asmak PJSC company in accordance with private investment programs, allowing for strong, collaborative links with partners locally, nationally and building linkages across regional frontiers within GCC. The knowledge produced with fish growth physiology at 43 ppt salinity demanded an inordinate warm water nutritional requirement spectrum and the subsequently evolved new-order finfish cage farming business thereof matched science and economics for high-saline waters, virtually answering every development constraint, upholding the opportunities with sustainable limits and passing on an improved legacy to the future and strategy of bio saline, arid farming recognition systems. The next portfolio in succession was fostering an empowering and stimulating assignment with the Ministry of Environment & Water (now MOCCAE) in UAE addressing Blue economy challenges, system audits and policy advocacy mainstreaming the Ocean economics for the future with a spirit of sustainability, well-being and equity. Having set newer milestones on defining the sustainable exploitation limits for marine-based seafood products (shark fins) and derivatives within UAE territories, his accordant dispensation as National Coordinator for GCC Spanish mackerel monitoring program in consonance with national and EU expertise was towards achieving a balance of environmental pressures, animal welfare and food safety through technology-enabled solutions. Presently with ANAF Aquaculture Consulting with unshared and undivided authority as General Manager, he utilizes the power of science in crafting an economically resilient food production sector for the GCC on a mutually participatory approach with peerless managerial initiatives for improving the future of multi-generational finfish cultivation through sustainable reproduction and optimized progeny enhancement and development. His underpinning distinction in strategic Business co-ordination and development through public-private partnerships has integrated society, economy, environment and culture in UAE and beyond branching out to other GCC farming assets, estates and promising resources.